Let’s dive into the fascinating world of gamma brain waves and how they affect our mood, attitude, sleep, and cognitive function. Imagine your brain as a busy city, with different kinds of traffic moving around. Gamma brain waves are like the fast, zippy cars zooming through the brain streets. They’re high-frequency brain waves, buzzing at around 30 to 100 cycles per second. Scientists have discovered that these waves are linked to some really cool brain activities. One important thing gamma waves do is help us focus and think clearly. When you’re really concentrating on something, like solving a puzzle or playing a tricky game, yourRead More →

We will be adding info on Epsilon, Iota, The Default Mode Network soon. Beta Brainwaves 14-40Hz — Awake Conscious & Reasoning  Beta brain waves are associated with normal waking stateand a good sense of alertness, logic and critical reasoning. Beta brain waves are important for effective functioning throughout the day, they can lead to stress, anxiety and overthinking. Alpha 7.5-14Hz — Deep Relaxation Brainwaves Alpha brain waves are present in deep relaxation,  lovely daydream or during light meditation.Typically when the eyes are closed,  It is an optimal time to program the mind for success, floow up with affirmations and creative visualization. Alpha brain state allow acces to greater  imagination,Read More →

Binaural Bliss, we create on the fly, binaural beat tracks using synthesizers. These synths are tuned to enhance the delta frequency. Learn about harmony in this video and how it connects to frequencies, actually multiple frequencies. The 2 Waverly synths I have are panned right and left. So ear ear of the human has it’s own synth frequency. XLa is tunes 8 cents sharp and XLb is 24 cents sharp. A difference of 16 cents. This creates a Delta brainwave binaural effect, if one uses headphones or has the speakers positioned in a stereo spread, so the left ear hears the left speaker and theRead More →

In this case we are using Digitalism 2000 to create Theta binaural beats for brainwave entrainment. There are lots of synths that could work for this process. If you know of a synthesizer that could create binaural beats, I would love to know about it. Please leave suggestions and comments below, or in the comment section of the YouTube video. The key to creating these binaural beats involves having 2 parts, or layers, voices, samples, whichever terminology your particular synth uses. One part is panned hard left and the other part panned hard right. This creates a stereo image. Then detune one of the partsRead More →