3 Tips to Improve Creativity

Fun with Creativity

Creativity and imagination might be your most valuable skills when it comes to being a music creator.

Whether you create original songs, or your own versions of cover tunes, creativity is the hidden gem of music creation. Below can find 3 tips for musical creativity and inspiration.

3 Tips to Increase Musical Creativity and Imagination

  • Write down SOME of the chords from a song. You could do all of the chords from a song if you wish. Some songs only have 3 or 4 chords anyway. For songs with more complex chord progressions it’s easier on the brain to take the tune in bite size chunks.
    The key here is to write it down on paper. This connects to part of the brain that helps understand how chords work together.
  • Line up the Romans. You could enlist the help of a music theory book, some software or app, or use the circle of infinite imagination to figure out the Roman numerals for each of the chords.
    This is equivalent to reverse engineering the chord progression. Once you start to understand how these numbers fit together, you can start to create a specific feel and vibe to your own songs.
  • Create your own new piece of music using the chords. Strum the chords on your guitar, or bang them out on a keyboard or whatever instrument you can play. You could even plug them into some music software. Record something and send us a link in the comment section!

More tips for creativity

Meditation has been shown to increase creative potential. There are many ways to meditate. There are even moving meditations such as QiGong, Tai Chi and Yoga. These are great for people who find it challenging to sit still.

Get around other creative people. This is a great way to get inspired. Learn about what other people do to get creative.

Listen to a podcast, watch a Youtube video or read a book, about a topic you find interesting. When you come across a word or phrase that speaks to you, write a song about it.

You could even create a bullet point list of phrases. I have used this songwriting technique many times. Once you have this bullet point list you can start crafting Title, Verses, Chorus, Bridge and Pre-Chorus

Don’t even worry if the words don’t make sense at first. You can always add, delete, refine and adjust later. Just get something on paper and recorded. Try this often and sooner or later you will strike creative Gold.

Please share ideas on musical creativity in the comment section. Thank you for reading.

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